Elecard will demonstrate AVC encoding with ultra-low delay at CSTB 2018!

Elecard will demonstrate AVC encoding with ultra-low delay at CSTB 2018!

January 22, 2018Events

Join Elecard to network with the biggest names in telecommunication industry at CSTB 2018 (CROCUS EXPO, Moscow, January 30 - February 1) and benefit from new valuable knowledge, ideas and contacts.


Meet Elecard at booth PR 10, hall 11 and

  • evaluate a Linux version of Elecard CodecWorks Encoder aimed at efficient IP to IP transcoding (UDP/RTP/HLS) with the support of MPEG 2 and AVC formats and easily configurable redundancy modes;
  • evaluate the quality and performance of real-time AVC encoding with ultra-low delay – 120 мs;
  • find out the most efficient way to boost your performance by implementing our updated analyzing and monitoring tools in your project.


Top Elecard products at CSTB 2018:

Elecard CodecWorks - a multifunctional real-time video encoder of HEVC/H.265, H.264/AVC and MPEG-2 video which ensures adaptive bitrate video streaming via HLS and MPEG-DASH protocols and live encoding of 4K HEVC content with the playback at different receiving devices. Linux version is now available.

Elecard StreamEye is essential for professional detailed analysis and makes it possible to navigate from general stream structure down to the deepest levels of compressed streams such as quantizers or individual bits in a macro block. StreamEye provides the support of MP4, MKV and VP9 formats and is available for MAC users. New Elecard StreamEye v.4.4 now supports more raw formats and quality metrics. The product is available in two versions: StreamEye and StreamEye Basic.

Elecard Boro - a comprehensive and robust video quality monitoring service providing MPEG TS analysis and troubleshooting of the most widespread violations such as clock continuity, bitrate, EPSNR, signal loss and video freeze in different networks including IPTV, DVB and OTT streaming.

Join Elecard at PR 10, hall 11 to ask all your questions and discuss a best possible way to integrate our products into your project.

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