Elecard 4K HEVC HDR encoding and new video quality monitoring tool at IBC 2019

Elecard 4K HEVC HDR encoding and new video quality monitoring tool at IBC 2019

August 16, 2019Events

Elecard team welcomes you to join us at IBC 2019 - network with the biggest names in Telco industry media and entertainment (September 13-17th, RAI, Amsterdam), an event that combines insights from influential speakers with facilitated networking.

Come to our booth 2.B29 where Elecard will showcase its flagship products designed to meet an extensive range of transcoding and monitoring needs.

Check out Elecard CodecWorks a multifunctional transcoder that delivers an unprecedented combination of 4k hevc hdr encoding power, reliability and easy-to-use management for winning results.

Availability and easy access to video content brought more opportunities to customers, which has led to a renewed focus on end-user experience in Elecard Boro – the solution for for UDP, RTP, HTTP and HLS streams monitoring and measurement of QoS and QoE parameters. The latest update of Elecard Boro adds more opportunities for monitoring in video surveillance and user convenience:

  • CCTV QoS monitoring – enables errors notifications in video surveillance systems (signal delivery/ signal loss)
  • Mirrored port monitoring (UDP, RTP, RTSP) – a Probe allows to monitor mirrored incoming streams by sniffing them
  • Task assigment by importing config file in web – enables assigning of multiple tasks to a probe at ones by importing CSV file

Take a look at our new comer to Elecard Analyzers Family – Elecard Quality Gates, which alfa version will be demonstrated to the public for the first time at the event.  Elecard Quality Gates is an analyzing tool that allows comparing streams encoded with different parameters (resolution, bitrate, frame ect.).

See you at IBC 2019 to gain so much more new knowledge, ideas and contacts in the field!

Use a free registration customer code 13348

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