Same high quality with a different name – Elecard renamed and updated Codec SDKs

Same high quality with a different name – Elecard renamed and updated Codec SDKs

November 29, 2016News

Certain changes do matter a lot for a product’s quality and performance and some are implemented just to enhance user’s convenience. First and foremost, in order to make the aim and functions of our SDKs clear at a glance - Elecard renamed them in accordance with the multimedia frameworks they are dealing with. So meet our same old and well-known applications with the new names:

Also a number of major changes was successfully implemented as a result of our latest release of the new versions of DirectShow Codec .NET SDK and GStreamer Codec SDK. Now they are powered by a wide variety of updated components and samples to design client-winning solutions standing out for its flexibility and cutting-edge quality.

DirectShow Codec .NET SDK allows to develop digital video transcoding, streaming and playback applications using the Elecard components within the Microsoft® DirectShow® technology.

Updated components in DirectShow Codec .NET SDK v. 3.2.1:

  • HEVC Video Decoder (interlace support updated)
  • MPEG-2 Video Decoder
  • MPEG Audio Decoder

GStreamer Codec SDK allows to develop digital video transcoding, streaming and playback applications using the Elecard components within the cross platform GStreamer® technology.

Updated components in GStreamer Codec SDK v.1.3:

All the components included in the previous version were updated.

Added components:

  • Elecard MPEG-2 Video Decoder
  • Elecard HLS Sink
  • Elecard RTSP Source

Updated samples:

NWServer - the sample now performs only broadcasting of MPEG TS streams to the network without transcoding and multiplexing.

Added samples:

NWServerTranscoder - the sample performs transcoding and broadcasting of media streams to the network.

As well, we would like to inform you that the updated version of DirectShow Codec SDK 3.2.1. would come out shortly.

Extend your opportunities to create up-to-date applications meeting your customers’ most high-demand requirements. To find more information or to download our DirectShow Codec .NET SDK 3.2.1 or GStreamer Codec SDK 1.3 please visit the product page.

You can easily upgrade your current SDK by contacting Elecard Sales department.

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