Elecard Codec SDK G4 now supports MXF and MKV formats

Elecard Codec SDK G4 now supports MXF and MKV formats

February 16, 2016News

Elecard team constantly enhances the performance and feature set of Codec SDK G4 and Codec.NET SDK G4 to ensure flexibility, scalability and higher quality for the designed solutions. The updated versions 3.0 is enriched with a set of upgraded components and extended number of supported formats, including MXF and MKV.

Take a look at the detailed list showing the improvements related to the current update to see how it can contribute to your projects and solutions:

The shortlist of the implemented changes:


  • Elecard MXF Demultiplexer
  • Elecard MKV Demultiplexer
  • Elecard MKV Multiplexer


    • Elecard MP4 Demultiplexer
    • Elecard MP4 Multiplexer
    • Elecard AVC Video Encoder
    • Elecard NW Renderer
    • Elecard NWSource-Plus
    • Elecard RTSP Net Source

      Find more possibilities to essentially improve your products and meet your customers most acute demands by downloading our Codec SDK and Codec .NET SDK.

      For more information on Codec SDK G4 and Codec .NET SDK G4, please visit the product pages. You can easily upgrade your current Codec SDK and Codec .NET SDK by contacting Elecard Sales department.

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