Troubleshooting TV service broadcasting
Troubleshooting TV service broadcasting

Customer: МТS
A leading telecommunication group on the Russian information and communication market. The only operator providing access to TV content in all existing environments.
Unify all content sources received from different providers, analyze possible discrepancies in service processing using Elecard products, and bring all content sources to a single coding standard.
In-depth analysis of the video content at different levels: at TS level using Elecard Stream Analyzer and at the level of stream structure and down to macroblock structure using Elecard StreamEye.
- Demonstrated content providers the necessity of improvements at their side, identified points for improvements with the help of Elecard products.
- Content sources adjusted to the required coding standards.
- Increased quality of TV service broadcasting in operators’ networks.
“We purchased two software analyzers: StreamEye and Stream Analyzer to ensure expert support and maintenance as well as the proper operation of our head-end station which delivers TV services to all regions where we operate and in all distribution environments (KTB, DTH, IPTV, OTT). Elecard products helped us to significantly increase quality of TV services broadcasting, mainly because improvements were made to the encoding equipment by its vendors.”
Georgy Petrenko, MTS expert