Elecard joins AVS Workgroup

Elecard joins AVS Workgroup

May 31, 2022News

Elecard has joined AVS Workgroup, Audio and Video Coding Standard Workgroup of China.

The Workgroup was established by the Science and Technology Department of People’s Republic of China in June 2002. AVS coding standards aim to solve a wide range of hi-tech problems including high-resolution digital broadcast, wireless broad-band multimedia communication, and broad-band internet streaming. AVS Workgroup has more than 100 members including such companies as LG Electronics, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., and  Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.

Our solution for professional analysis, optimisation, and validation of video streams Elecard StreamEye Studio now supports the third generation AVS3 codec developed by AVS Workgroup. StreamEye Studio tools are used for video compression optimisation and debugging, as well as defining the best encoder settings for your task and checking the stream for standard compliance. Thanks to the AVS support, all these StreamEye Studio features are now available for our customers from China and South East Asian countries.

Follow our updates to be the first to learn about the release of Elecard StreamEye Studio 2022 with the new AVS3 audio and video encoding standard.



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