Elecard announces a release of a new cross-platform version of Elecard YUV Viewer 4.0

Elecard announces a release of a new cross-platform version of Elecard YUV Viewer 4.0

November 14, 2018News

Release of a new version of Elecard YUV Viewer 4.0 comes as a final step of a large-scale update of StreamEye Studio product line - a set software tools for video compression analysis. Now all applications of StreamEye Studio support most widespread and popular platforms: Windows, Mac and Linux.

Elecard YUV Viewer 4.0 is designed to view YUV data sequence, compare files and view the result of comparison. Elecard YUV Viewer provides calculating quality metrics, such as PSNR, APSNR, MSE, MSAD, Delta, SSIM, NQI, VMAF, and VQM. A new version entails both high efficiency as well as the more strategic focus signifying customers convenience and team communications.

A new version of Elecard YUV Viewer 4.0 delivers all powerful benefits offered by StreamEye Studio product line: building efficient team communications, the ability to share comments between application instances, synchronization between applications of Elecard StreamEye Studio set and automated analysis via command line tool.

Key features

  • Cross platform (Windows, Mac, Linux version);
  • Activation mode is changed: on-line and off-line types of activation are implemented. Off-line activation includes PC-based and dongle-based activation types;
  • Supported file types: I444, IYUV, NV12, P444, RGB24, RGB32, UYVY, V210, V400, Y42B, YUY2, YV12, YV16, YVYU, I422, NV21, V444;
  • Calculation of quality metrics: PSNR, APSNR, MSE, MSAD, Delta, SSIM, VMAF, NQI, VQM;
  • Sharing comments between application instances and/or applications of Elecard StreamEye Studio set;
  • Synchronization between applications of Elecard StreamEye Studio set (Binding mode);
  • Automated analysis of video arrays via the command line tool.


Evaluate new Elecard YUV Viewer 4.0


If you have any questions, please, contact our Sales Department.

On the topic

Product:YUV Viewer
Category:Product release

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